Acclaym / Acclaym v ABHS
Acclaym vs
Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers
The FDA considers ABHS safe to use in moderation. The problem is that ABHS can lead to dry skin, infection, and even alcohol poisoning, not to mention they become ineffective after 15 seconds of use.
Acclaym combines the broad-spectrum efficacy of an antiseptic without the toxicity of an ABHS. This spectrum includes today’s superbugs such as multi-drug resistant bacteria such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile.
Continues to kill harmful viruses, bacteria and fungi for up to 6-hours!
Kill bacteria for up to 15 seconds. As soon as the alcohol dries the effectiveness to kill bacteria is ZERO.
Effects of repeat use.
Acclaym’s residual action works to break down biofilms while preventing its growth, which means Acclaym works better with repeat use.
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), when hands are dirty (soiled or greasy), Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers (ABHS) do not work well. This is the reason they insist that hands be washed alongside use of this product.
Real world use.
Works under any condition, despite how dirty your hand may be. Even tests conducted in the presence of 5% to 10% bovine serum albumin (to simulate contamination with blood or organic soil) had no impact on Acclaym’s ability to kill germs.
According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), when hands are dirty (soiled or greasy), Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers (ABHS) do not work well. This is the reason they insist that hands be washed alongside use of this product.
The active ingredient found in Acclaym will not absorb through the skin, therefore will never be present in the bloodstream.
Is absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream.
Effect on skin.
Human Insult Patch Tests, have repeatedly demonstrated no irritation and sensitization with Acclaym. The safety is attributed to the high molecular weight of Acclaym’s active ingredient. Furthermore, Acclaym does not hurt on open wounds. In fact, it moisturizes the skin and accelerates wound healing.
Strips the skin’s naturals oils, causing dry and cracked skin. Dry, cracked cuticles and skin can offer an entry point for germs to enter the body and cause infection. In addition, if you’re prone to eczema, excessive dryness can activate the disease, causing redness, cracking, and inflammation.
Acclaym gives you a true sense of security and safety, as its active ingredient does not leach into the bloodstream. As well, Acclaym does not promote bacterial resistance or tolerance due to the large size of its active ingredient. Acclaym’s does not enter the bacterial cell but kills from the outside by disrupting the cell wall.
FDA’s Drug Center warns about the possible long-term consequences of frequent use, particularly by children and women of child-bearing age, as ethanol, alcohol and chlorides leach into the bloodstream and with repeated use could mean that the chemicals may affect the reproductive system or the production of hormones.
Regulators are also concerned about possible links between use of these antiseptic chemicals and the emergence of so-called superbug bacteria, which are resistant to antibiotics.