vs Alcohol

Salvesan HOCl vs
Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizers

 Salvesan has the broad-spectrum efficacy of an antiseptic without the toxicity of an ABHS.

Instructions for use.

Spray and wipe.

Repeated use of alcohol as a disinfectant can cause discoloration, hardening, and cracking of rubber and some plastics.


Spray and wipe.

Is absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream.

Effect on surface it is applied to.

Spray and wipe.

Strips the skin’s naturals oils, causing dry and cracked skin. Dry, cracked cuticles and skin can offer an entry point for germs to enter the body and cause infection. In addition, if you’re prone to eczema, excessive dryness can activate the disease, causing redness, cracking, and inflammation.

Eye safety.

Spray and wipe.

FDA’s Drug Center warns about the possible long-term consequences of frequent use, particularly by children and women of child-bearing age, as ethanol, alcohol and chlorides leach into the bloodstream and with repeated use could mean that the chemicals may affect the reproductive system or the production of hormones.

Skin safety.

Spray and wipe.

Regulators are concerned about possible links between use of these antiseptic chemicals and the emergence of so-called ‘superbugs’. Lower alcohol levels can merely reduce the growth of germs rather than kill them outright.

Learn About Salvesan HOCl